Bibliophiles who have visited

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Well... That's awkward.

"Have you read this?"
"No but I've heard it's really good."

"What can you tell me about this one?"
"Not a lot. I haven't read it myself but have spoken to a few people who have and they loved it."

"Do you even read?"

Ok so that last one never really happened. But the other two happen, saddly quite a lot. And it is awkward. When someone asks you to give a recommendation for a specific book and honestly, you've never seen that book in your life :/
Worse case scenario: you lie and give some rushed feed back based on what you can glean from the synopsis on the back. (Also happens more than it should.) 

Even worse case scenario: it's the author of that book trying to be sneaky O_O (has happened once. Lucky I wasn't the one helping them. )

The sad truth is: we can't read everything :/ and that's not from lack of trying. In my store alone we carry 30,000 books. That means that, from the day I was born, I would have needed to read 3.5 books... A day. Every day. Not including the 500 or so new books published a day (that number has gone up dramatically with self publishing.) 

Well... Frankly, that's a lot. 

I do read a lot. I promise. Making my way through 5 books right now, one of which is a non-fiction. Beat that! (Here is a little cartoon of my pain)

If someone were to come in and say "can you recommend a book that's great for _______" I can normally ramble off 10-15 books that I have read. :) be proud. I know I am. 

So yes... Don't think poorly if your bookseller has never heard of a book. Chances are it is just sitting in the pile next to their bed at home. 

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