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Monday, September 22, 2014

Banned Book Week

It's that time of year again!

I can honestly say I take more pride in being a Bookseller this week than most other weeks. It's Banned Book week. (Yes, that's still a thing.)

So for those of you who don't know what banning a book means, it is when some crazy person decides they don't like a book and thus start a petition to get that book removed from public spaces such as libraries and public school systems. The reasoning can be anything from the use of less than desirable language to the undesirable depiction of women in potions of power (which is why The Wonderful Wizard of Oz was originally banned. No, not joking.)

So of course, as a sane member of society, I absolutely abhor this practice with a fiery burning passion of a thousand super novas. Don't get me wrong, there are some books that frankly should never see the light of day and I will use what ever means necessary to keep from reading those books. And that's the point. It's so I don't have to read it. There is a very simple way in order to make sure a book does not affect your life or bring influence into it:

Don't. Read. It. You. Idiot.

 "I don't like what this book has to say. Of course, the most logical action to take is to make sure no one else reads it either since I have the universal opinion on everything ever."


"I don't like what this book has to say. Of course, I will just put it down and find another book which I can read in delight and then share that delight in order to make the world a better place."


No one will ever have the right to tell another functioning human being what they should read based on personal preference. (I use the word functioning here to mean a person who is not wholly dependent on their parents. Looking at you teenagers. Listen to your parents until you move out and can read whatever you like.)

So, here is the link to more information to banned books. I'll be writing every day this week to talk about a different banned book that you should read, just because someone doesn't want you too.

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