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Monday, January 6, 2014

Scent of booksellers nationwide

Common question: "Do you read when you're alone in the store?"
Common statement: "I could never work here. I would be reading constantly."
These statements are often followed by an uncertain, knee-jerk laugh from the customer, and a ragingly witty comment from yours truly. And this logic makes sense. I love books, I am constantly reading, and I am literally surrounded by thousands of books. It would be so easy to LOSE MYSELF IN A BOOK FOR A FEW HOURS AND BECOME INCREDIBLY HOSTILE TOWARDS CUSTOMERS WHO INTERRUPT ME WITH QUESTIONS ABOUT THE MOST RECENT VEGAN COOKBOOK.... All of this taking place in the most amazing pillow fort ever imagined.
So no... sadly I don't read on the job. Sometimes I'll pick up a interesting looking book and flip through it to get a generalized feel so if I get asked about it, I can say something other than, "Nice cover."

So I would like to introduce you to a booksellers best friend and worst enemy. It's used constantly because it is constantly needed. If there is nothing else to do, or even if there is other stuff you could be doing, this usually takes precedence.
I give you.... PLEDGE!

Now you may be thinking "Eh?" 
I understand. Pledge? That's weird. Isn't that for.... dusting?
Why yes. Yes it is.
Dusting! Books are dust magnets. Dusting the whole store, once a day, is usually not enough. As soon as you're done, it's dusty again. EVERYWHERE. It's even worse if the books are near a door that leads outside. 
So basically, pledge could pretty much be the "natural scent" of booksellers everywhere. Lemony, burns the eyes a little, stays on your cloths for days. Try it, love it, crave it. 

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